When I'm NOT Designing Squarespace Websites...

Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Expert Tiffany Davidson

Oh goodness, you all… it’s been BUSY around here. I need to update my portfolio in a bad way, but when it comes to finding the time to maintain my own website here, well, I just… don’t.

But I thought I would drop in and give a wave and a friendly “Hullo!” and let you see some of the things I’ve been up to during my decompression time away from the laptop, you know, out in the three-dimensional world that I sometimes forget exists. Just kidding. Mostly.

I schedule in nature time like I schedule cleaning the kitchen everyday and launching websites by a certain date. It’s that crucial for my survival.

Thankfully, I live in Washington state which is, in a nutshell, a land of endless beauty and majesty, always beckoning for you to come play…

So let me show you around and give a little update!

The view out my window

To begin, we don’t have to travel far. Let’s just walk over to the window and look out over the bay toward the Olympic Mountains, shall we?

TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist
TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist
TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist
TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist

These are the views I get to look out on any given day, from the bedroom window, kitchen window, living room window, or guest room window. And for this I feel TRULY fortunate and, not to sound cliche, but extremely grateful.

I can feel anxious and stressed out from something not going right, not being able to find a solution to a design issue fast enough, an interaction that felt off, not being able to reply to all of my emails… and then, ahhhh, I can stand up, walk over to the window or stand out on the porch and take in all of this beauty and really get grounded again and be reminded of the big picture.

wildlife observing

I also have daily visitors in the backyard. Sometimes, they’ll walk right up to a window and surprise me when I look up from my computer. Like little godsends. Like little teachers.

TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist
TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist
TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist

(And they especially love when my husband helps them retrieve apples and plums from the high branches).

One morning, with just a sliver of light outside, I witnessed an older fawn nurse aggressively from a doe. The doe’s response was so interesting— loving it’s child, but also this startled sense that she didn’t want it to be happening. I got it all on film, amazingly enough, but Squarespace needs a URL in order to share a video as we know and I’m not going to take the time to upload it. Sorry. Short on time, remember?!

TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist

exploring closer to home

Rather than traveling to the north Cascades to explore, I’ve been spending more time exploring this wonderful place I live. I’ve been watching films at the Rose Theatre— in the last couple of months I saw Marianne & Leonard, a documentary about Leonard Cohen’s relationship with muse Marianne Ihlen, and another documentary called Honeyland which was just so rich with real gritty living, a kind like we Westerners can hardly even fathom. Last week, I meant to go see Aga, but missed it!

On clear days, the mountains are so vivid. I’m a big fan of old-looking, film-y, grainy photos so I was very happy with this one I took from the Point Wilson lighthouse one evening…

TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist

…Mt. Baker shining with alpenglow so very far away. Two beacons.

Some evenings, I’ve taken to perching behind the lighthouse and overlooking the Strait of Juan de Fuca in a particularly turbulent spot with colliding currents. My initial intention was to do some reading, but I find I get too occupied with watching. In less than an hour of sitting, it’s common for me to get to observe dolphins, seals, and sea lions! Just amazing. And only 10 minutes from home.

TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist
TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist

crafts & homemaking & books, oh my!

In addition to being outdoors and immersing myself in the natural world, it’s also vital for my well-being to work with crafts and recipes and all manner of homemade things. I’ve been working on Christmas gifts and enjoying warm hygge projects to welcome Fall into our home…

TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist
TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist
TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist
TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist
TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist
TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist
TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist

So, while I do spend a lot of time here, in the two-dimensional flat world as Carl Sagan once referred to it, I feel like I do a decent job of balancing out the other parts of my life, too. The parts of the crafter, the homemaker, the wife, the explorer, and the general enthusiast of being alive.

TIffany Davidson Squarespace Designer Squarespace SEO Specialist

So there you have it— what all I’m up to when I’m not designing websites or getting clients to Google Page 1.

If you’re an online entrepreneur reading this, what do you do in your spare time? Any of the same things I do? How do you decompress and immerse yourself in the sensual world? I think this is a fun way to add more humanity to this site, so check back in a few months for another update.

Take care everyone! Happy Autumn ~

x Tiffany



Tiffany Davidson Squarespace Web Designer Squarespace SEO Expert

Hey there! I’m Tiffany ~ a Squarespace Web Designer & SEO Specialist. Here on the blog I write about web design, SEO, and running an online business. I hope you’ll find some nuggets of knowledge and inspiration and that you’ll stop by again and again.

Feel free to contact me at: tiffany@tiffany-davidson.com